Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Poem by me... It's been awhile 8)

I walk along the rocky shore, looking for a sign.

I walk along the rocky shore, not knowing what is mine.

My feelings soar and pour from this heart inside me.

They swirl around like a wave, while I'm begging to be free.

I ache for some answers, hoping I can win.

As I comb through so much that I've categorized as sin.

I see the equations of my life, not making sense.

As I've made so many mistakes, that would make a sailor wince.

I have a long talk with my own worst enemy, me.

And I know that there is one person holding me back so warily.

I'm afraid to move, yet I know I must.

Not realizing, I've been waiting for someone to trust.

That person to trust has been here all along.

Trapped inside the pain and hurt, wanting to be strong.

I feel a smile light up my face and fill my heart.

And I know that this is a life I truly am wanting to start.

by Holly Chamberlain