Saturday, March 21, 2009

Our Staycation

So the boys had spring break, and I got the week off from work. We had a great week, but Im exhausted 80). This week, I also had my birthday, but I saw different people all week for it, so it was somewhat of a birthday week 80).

March 13 - Went to get the boys and we just relaxed when we got to the apt.

March 14 - I had to work, so their morning was in Arlington, but that afternoon we just relaxed as well. I got an awesome birthday present! I adore music, and I got an mp-3 player from my boyfriend. Such an awesome gift for the Holly. 80)

March 15 - Mary, Steve, Beth and Sam came over and stayed for awhile. We played Guitar Hero, Rock Band and some other games. We had a great time. They brought me Cadbury eggs (my favorite candy of all time. Ive even tried to make some at non easter times to stop my craving) herbal tea, and sweeteners along with cranberries (another holly fave).

March 16 - another day of rest 80)

March 17 - We went to Fair Park with Jamie (former mother in law and my boys' grandma - yes we're still friends). We took the train and then the bus. I haven't been on a dart bus much, and we ended up waiting at a stop in East Dallas for 23 minutes on the bus. The boys had fun with the train though. We had a lot of fun at the museum of natural sciences (the former science place) as well as The museum of science and natural history.

March 18 - We saw my sister at Jason's Deli and I got my gift from her. I got a Burt's bee gift set as well as an aromatherapy pack in the shape of a bunny 80).

March 19- My bday - We went to the Stockyards with Jamie. It was a blast. I think the kiddoes enjoyed the fair more, but the Stockyards was so much fun. We also went into Billy Bobs texas, since you can look around during the daytime for $1 as adults and kids are free. I was like a kid in a candy store. I love love love country music, and I have been to Billy bobs but only for concerts, so it was quite busy both times. We looked at the guitars and hand prints and we danced on the dance floor. My kids are about as good of dancers as their momma. 80) We looked at some of the shops until my migraine was just too bad to ignore. We were all getting tired. I watched American Idol and the results show while the kiddoes played with their grandma. we walked down the trails for a bit, so that was fun too. after dinner, we had cake that she got for me. It was a blue cake with butterflies all over it. Someone knows me well 80) Blue is my favorite color and i love butterflies. all in all, i had a great birthday despite my horrible migraine.

March 20 - We went to the Outdoor Learning Center trails with Jamie. For the planoites, you will most likely remember the Outdoor Learning Center. It's also the home of some of Mr. Dunlap's creatures. I was wondering if he was still working for PISD, and he is. He drove up when we parked and asked if we had the bunnies. We looked at him like he was crazy and he realized that we didnt have the bunnies. He asked if we were going to walk the trails and he said to enjoy them. I asked if he was Mr. Dunlap, and at first he said no (jokingly) then he said yes. I told him, "I remember you." He said, "Don't tell me that I came to your kindergarten." I said, "actually, yes." He thanked me for reminding him of how old he is. It was funny. We had fun on the trails. My oldest, Tristan, got scared of flies and butterflies. They are not outdoorsy. I enjoyed it so much. We got lost but it was still an adventure. It reminds me of how much I miss hiking. For lunch, we had Tinos Too. It has been so long since I've been to Tino's and they have some of the best Mexican food imnsho. It was so yummy and my goobers enjoyed it too.

We went to my aunt and uncle's house to see them. We all went to Houston Elementary. My uncle and I, geography buffs that we are - though he is much better than I am, were criticizing the incorrect portions of the huge map of the USA. it was fun though. We named all the states. The kids kept asking of the different ones. Im sure glad for the geography apps on facebook 80) . We played on the playground too, but Avery really enjoyed the map of the US and so did I. Tristan really liked the playground 80) .

So, this weekend, we are recouperating 80) I am exhausted.

But this has been a great, great week, the best birthday week i have had in quite some time.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Velocity of Love

I have been thinking about my outlook on love and trust (those fundamental glues of relationships.) I don't just mean romantic relationships, but I also mean any relationship that we are in, whether it is our friends, kids, family, or a romantic relationship.

This particular post on love can be more likened to dating relationships, though there are truths in this for all relationships, I feel.

I don't trust easily anymore. I guess that's due to years of so much turmoil for so many different reasons.

So when I start to trust more and open up and grow to respect a person more and more, and love grows incipient, I sometimes panic. After panicking, I commence the velocity test.

The velocity test can be likened to skydiving. (Now I'm writing a blog paralleling love with something I have never done, so if I say anything ignorant about skydiving, forgive me. 80) I couldn't think of a better reference than this, and I'm too lazy to research skydiving in order to write a blog 80)).

In this theory, the person one is dating and me jump out of the singledom plane, pass through the dating clouds. At most points, I am looking over in order to see how fast the other person is falling. This would be likened to falling in love. At the point of falling in love, we open up our parachutes. There have been a few times that I have splatted on the ground in the velocity test. But that's okay. 80) There have also been times that we have opened up our parachutes a little close to the airplane. It wasn't pretty.

So in the velocity test, I tend to watch what the other person is doing, how fast they are falling etc, to guage whether I should trust them or open up.

So these are my thoughts on love and how I look at it. It helps, and the velocity test can be very beneficial. 80)