Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reflective Chica

I'm feeling pretty reflective at the moment (may day may day!!!). This usually means trouble, if you haven't already figured that out. But reflectiveness can be productive. I'm thinking of someone who I worked very hard with to have a good relationship... my mom. In a way, I want to say exactly what I'm thinking... But I won't air out the intricacies of my fam's dirty laundry out into the open. Suffice it to say, I finally understand a great deal of the pain that she endured. I really do as much as I can at this time. I miss her and I really wish she was here right now. It's one of those days that I wish that I cherished the time that I took for granted. We live and we learn...

So I want to turn this into a list of blessings....

I am so blessed to have had 2 wonderful parents. We definitely had our hard times, but we became truly close before...

I am very blessed to have my children. They are my life. I am so thankful for their inquisitive nature. They are so amazing!!!

I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life!

I am so blessed to have a good job and wonderful hobbies!

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