Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Thankful 12/29/2015

Gratitude -- I work on having a gratitude journal, somewhere, different depending on my subject matter. I admit, I have been terrible about doing this everyday. I see my daily reminder, and think, "Oh, yeah, that!" and promptly forget 8)

Well, as we close the end of this year, I have so many thoughts, prayers, thankfulness, and hope all at once.

1. I am thankful for perspective. I have been reading "The Dance of Anger" by Harriet Goldhor Lerner and I find this book very inspiring. It speaks to how women constantly sacrifice and then the anger rears its ugly head in a negative way because feelings aren't admitted and worked on. I do find this isn't just for women, but it's partially tailored toward the place women have in this society, but again, i think this could be helpful for a lot of people. We all can learn so much and I am no exception. I am responsible for my reactions, for the way my brain processes. It sometimes feels so overwhelming, but it's amazing to have opportunity to be better.

2. I am thankful for more answers regarding my epilepsy by the end of this year. Though I found some things that are strange or odd, I know answers are good and we will slay this dragon!!

3. I am super thankful for my amazing family. These eclectic people may all not be related to me, but they are family just the same.

4. I am thankful for the safety of those who have made it through the North Texas tornadoes. We don't always think about the devastation until it's nearby... The loss of life and the loss of so many homes is just surreal. There's so much coverage on most of it, so that is a big reason why too. My heart goes out to all of the lost fur babies as well 8(

5. I am thankful to be able to grow, to heal, to learn who I am, who I can be. I am thankful for these opportunities!!

Be well, friend. Take care of yourself in this new year and be well.

Love and light.

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