Monday, May 17, 2010

Responsibility and control

I have been thinking a great deal on this. This will be a quick blog and I may come back and polish it.

"Sometimes I get nervous when I see an open door. Close your eyes, clear your heart. Cut the cord. " -- Human by the Killers

When i recently heard this song again, this line stuck out at me. I realized this is what I had to do.

Sometimes, I have been frozen with fear. I've spoken of it before. In the past, I haven't taken responsibility for many of my actions, and I see now that it's imperative to growth.

I take responsibility for what I've done, for who I am. But the other side of this, is i take responsibility for others' mistakes too, and this is ceasing now.

I am responsible for me and my two awesome sons. I have learned so much in my life, and I see how much i have to teach to my children, especially.

I am so very proud of them. They helped teach me how to live. There are so many people who are amazing and I am so thankful for the people that come into my life, if even for a moment.

There are so many things we don't have control over, but one of the most important facets is we have control over our attitudes. 80)

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