Wednesday, January 30, 2013

In my spare time, hahahaha

So, i'm busy... This is the understatement of the year. Between family (including my boyfriend, his son, and fam), school (going full-time this semester), and full-time work (for now), I feel stressed and tired... Also, we're still sorting out the diabetes. Insulin is great but it can cause such lows and other side effects.

 We will soon have the definitive answer of whether I am type 1b (1.5) or type 2. I have more dr appointments next week, and I am especially nervous about one of them, but it will all be ok.

I had a rough day mood wise yesterday. I snapped at someone and just was cranky for the day 8( It happens but I will get better. Low blood sugar  makes me soooo cranky, but I don't want to make excuses, so this is another growth opportunity.

The boys have been doing well. A has had some tough times, but we're sorting through how to control his temper and calming himself down... (I am thankful I have my reminders of how hard controlling my mood can be. It also gives me great ideas to help my sons 8D) T is doing well and I have officially been nominated to help him in his Pre-ap math... not good 8D lol. They are amazing and growing so much.

God is wonderful. I am very thankful for His blessings in my life.

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