Friday, January 11, 2013

day by day

This new year has brought a huge medical hurdle that I must now face. My diabetes was a bit out of control, perhaps a lot bit. And due to the treatment of asthma, it became an insurmountable obstacle.I was one of those people who listened to those who say, "everything in moderation." Unfortunately, that is no longer a way of life that I can afford. I must be very very careful from here on out. I am now an insulin-dependent diabetic. There's a part of me that wishes that I could have been successful in turning diabetes around permanently. Unfortunately, that does not look like it will be my reality. I have a great doctor and great people around me. My boyfriend is being so supportive, and I am very thankful for that. This is a big obstacle so soon in a relationship, and I am thankful that he is so supportive, helpful and kind in this.

This was a major scare, and I'm thankful that I am getting through this. This blog will be in part some diabetes tips and recipes as well, especially focusing on gluten-free.

Thank you, everyone, for your prayers and your love. God is so good and I feel so incredibly blessed. I am thankful for so much in this.

Peace, light, hope, and love

The Intelligent Airhead

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