Thursday, February 28, 2013


So i'm taking care of my boyfriend's son during the week. He's 4 and he is a sweetheart. I  was thinking about how much of a helicopter parent I used to be. In addition to that, I was just uptight about *everything*. peace is good 8D.

My boyfriend and I are doing well. We're focusing on cleaning up our diets and that need is causing us to start a joint blog. I am really excited about that venture.

Work is going well, though I am doing less of it.

My boys are doing really well. They are so wonderful. I really feel so blessed.

We found a church as well that we try to go to as much as possible. So that's exciting as well.

my spare time craftiness...

3 golf club covers.

afghans for the boys

afghan for boyfriend

afghan for K.

afghan for friend at work

afghan for best friend's daughter

wardrobe for best friend's daughter

elephant for M.

afghan for M.

That's all 8D.

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