Sunday, July 14, 2013

Control, yet again

I really work on the balance between control and letting things go and then just not caring at all about certain aspects. I am really focusing on this, as it is passive aggressive behavior that I want to forever quash.

Things to focus on in overwhelming situations.

I love me.
I am an awesome mom.
I am a wonderful person.
I am beautiful.
God loves every single part of me, even the parts I can't stand.

This last one came from a devotional book I am delving into, "Loving yourself more."

The beauty about being peaceful is that for moments we will be in turmoil, but we can attempt to make it back to rest as quickly as possible. Sometimes, deep breathing works. Sometimes, imagery is better. Sometimes, praying helps me or singing praise songs to God. Whatever positive activity works, I'm for it 8D.

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