Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I now see that the security I was seeking in past relationships and in life in general doesn't exist. i should know this with the losses in my past more than most... But unfortunately, I have found myself compartmentalizing and wanting so much safety and stability. Many people have tried to give me that stability by telling me they would always be there, etc... But my dear friend's loss has shown me more than ever, since I am more able to see truths such as this, that we cannot obtain such safety in life. God has us and he is with us regardless. We will be ok. We must rest in Him... That being said, in opening myself once again to love, I know that it could end. It might... But I must try. And if this fails, I have my confidence and God's love to hold me... as I do in the good times and the bad... Such good truths there 8D.

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