Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Sometimes, I don't fully understand the toll diabetes takes on me. The aches and pains are unbearable, the neuropathy is beyond annoying, and I see the gravity of the situation. In this, I must live everyday to the best of my ability. I must work on watching what I eat and doing my best. I get scared, though. Every time I hear of a diabetic who died, I take a breath, hold it for a moment, and shed a tear for them. Unfortunately, it happens too much. And then I feel selfish, I don't want it to be me. I know, that's beyond selfish, but I want to live a long life with my growing family. Diabetic neuropathy can ravage one's whole body, and sometimes, I get nervous about that too. The one thing I have to do daily is take deep breaths and believe and know that God is giving me peace and strength to do my best 8)

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