Wednesday, July 25, 2012


In my anti-fear book I'm reading, it says that there are different types of aggression that come from fear. Some include the more passive part, such as not doing things because of fear. I am so notorious for this one. I had no idea this was aggression, but it makes sense. Passive aggression, definitely. Also, hissy fits and such can be aggression. Now that i know my different actions that are fear-based, I can address the issue more directly and find out what I'm afraid of. I'm asking myself, "What are you afraid of?" I say what I'm afraid of with a deep breath at the end (repeat  3 times). I definitely have my work cut out for me, but this is helping soooo much, along with my other coping tools. I'm feeling more on top of my anger and my feelings already. Thank goodness for meditation!!! 8)

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