Sunday, July 29, 2012

Living in the grey

Living in the Grey --

I realize this is difficult for me, and now I'm realizing how difficult. I'm starting small, with tiny little steps 8D

Watching new movies and tv shows -- This is tough for me. I find myself avoiding new things... a lot... I'm working on this 8D

I am watching a new episode right now. Yay me 8) It's on a bank robbery, which also gives me palpitations, etc. But I'm trudging through it. Yay!

I am living in the grey more and more everyday, and it is awesome!!!

Life doesn't happen the way we plan, and it's ok 8)

I have a feeling I will be working on this for awhile, but it's such a blessing 8).

I want to change this within me 8).

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