Thursday, August 2, 2012

commitmentphobia spreads throughout our lives and You complete me

My indecisiveness is due to my fear of commitment. o.0 Well, that makes sense, I suppose. So I'm working on this. The good thing is as my fear is decreasing, my confidence is increasing. yay!!!

Being a packrat can be a sign of being a commitmentphobe. I am definitely one. This week, I am cleaning my apartment from top to bottom... I want to have a cleaner place and a clearer mind...

I had trouble using lists, since I felt bad if I didn't complete everything and now I don't have that fear, so I can list away 8D. Awesomeness 8)

It's so interesting, as I'm changing things I don't like in me, I'm becoming the person I am in my good times, only calmer... I love this girl 8D.

To anyone that is trying to change and it feels so insurmountable, like you can't do it, just remember, if you believe in God, all things are possible with God. You can do this. He's with you and you can do it together. If you don't know where to start, try praying to find a place to start. Every time I'm at a standstill in this, I pray for direction. It's an awesome feeling 8D. You can do this!!!

Today, on my facebook, someone posted a link that said, "You don't need someone to complete you, you need to find someone to accept you completely!" Yes, this is so true. While many girls swoon at the You complete me moments in Jerry McGuire, acceptance is the essential part. I used to see it this way until very recently. I thought someone would fill in the missing holes, or be there when i wasn't quite myself or in my depression, etc... While someone can help us through hard times, we have to help ourselves and be ourselves. It's really a great gift, to be able to be the creation in which God made 8).

This faith I have found again isn't new, but it has been dormant for quite some time. It feels soooo good to be back here 8).

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